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Paisley and Peter's Wedding Photos: The Reception Claire and Traci. Hawk's father Thurmond with Hawk. Such a happy and beautiful bride. Paisley with Matilda. Paisley and her Laney Paisley and Peter launch into their swing dance. A highly successful dip They nail the flip And celebrate with a swing around. How Suzy and Hawk felt just as Paisley and Peter finished their dance with that incredible flip. Traci and Laney dance at the wedding. Paisley's beautiful sister Haley is the maid of honor. Peter dances with his mother. Suzy is so happy and determined to relax. Debby, Guenn, Judy and Joel. Joyce, Rusty, Haley and Tad Rusty toasts the bride and groom with stories about their persistence and goals. Elegant Sheila Webb at the reception. Justin explains to Laney that he, not her father, is the best dressed man at the wedding. Exquisite Haley Lhamon, the bride's second cousin and now sister-in-law. Peter dances with Claire. Haley dances with her grandfather. Traci Lhamon is a beautiful bridesmaid. Joyce and Haley Lhamon. Ray and the little girls get ready to bring in the cake on a stick. The little girls dance around the cake as Ray brings it in. Ray does a complete cycle of the silly walk while holding the cake high. Paisley and Peter cut the cake. They feed each other. It is an orange cake with bittersweet chocolate chunks, layers of orange buttercream and local small strawberries and macadamia nut meringue, covered in fondant. Paisley and Peter depart under a shower of rose petals. The get into the antique chris craft piloted by Doug and Sarah Bourlier and go across the lake to their room at the Edgewater Hotel. Hawk, Suzy, Haley, Megan and Ray, full of joy. Peter and Paisley, married. |