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Paisley and Peter's Wedding Photos: Before the wedding Paisley gets ready for Paisley and Peter's Wedding Regatta. Doug and Sarah Bourlier, pitching in (as usual!) to set up the new dinghy. We were hoping for wind, but everyone got to practice their swimming and beer drinking skills instead. Debby Lhamon, who worked cheerfully and with incredible skill on Suzy's garden and wedding food the week before the wedding. Tad makes hamburger patties for the barbeque two nights before the wedding. Suzy and Joyce relax Thursday night next to the horse trough we bought to chill the 10 cases of champagne and 6 cases of sparkling water for the wedding. Suzy holds a list and makes suggestions on some wedding food prep. Hawk relaxes at the Evening in the Park. Claire Webb Zauft, Traci Lhamon, Elana Grace Webb Zauft, and Emily Hacker. Claire, Traci and Laney are bridesmaids. Laney and Peter work out at Dance Easy on the wedding day. Ray and Tink attend the dance lesson and make a breakthrough in their technique. Matilda makes a vegan spring roll early in the morning of the wedding day. |